AARP Fulfillment Center
Lorton, VA
Adams National Bank
Chinatown Branch
Dupont Circle Branch
Washington, DC
African Wildlife Foundation
Washington, DC
Agricultural Cooperative Development International
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine
Washington, DC
Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
Washington, DC
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
American Association of Museums
Washington, DC
American Automobile Association
Washington, DC
American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
Washington, DC
American Educational Research Association
Washington, DC
American Flatbread Restaurant
Ashburn, VA
Arlington, VA
American Foreign Service Association
Washington, DC
American Public Health Services Association
Washington, DC
American Society of Association Executives
Washington, DC
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Alexandria, VA
American Symphony Orchestra League
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Anderson, Kill & Olick, PC
Washington, DC
Arnold & Porter LLP
Washington, DC
Arter & Hadden LLP
Washington, DC
Ashcraft & Gerel LLP
Washington, DC
Association of American Law Schools
Washington, DC
Association of American Railroads
Washington, DC
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Arlington, VA
Atlantic Shores Hotel & Conference Center
Myrtle Beach, SC
Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP
Bethesda, MD
Washington, DC
Ballentine Barbera Group
Washington, DC
Banner & Allegretti, Ltd.
Washington, DC
Bass and Howes
Washington, DC
Bates White, LLC
Washington, DC
Beauvoir & National Cathedral Elementary School Child Care
Washington, DC
Berico Technologies
Arlington, VA
Berman & Co.
Washington, DC
Biotechnology Industry Organization
Washington, DC
Blackboard, Inc.
Washington, DC (Headquarters), Phoenix, AZ
[Confidential Global Information Corporation]
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Syracuse, NY
Bonner Kiernan Trebach & Crociata, LLP
Washington, DC
Boy Scouts of America
Bethesda, MD
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Washington, DC
Bredhoff & Kaiser, P.L.L.C.
Washington, DC
Bright Horizons Center at George Washington University
Washington, DC
Brown & Wood, LLC
Washington, DC
Building Owners and Managers Association
Washington, DC
Bureau of Land Management
Washington, DC
Cafe Amadeus
Washington, DC
Caja Navarra
Washington, DC
Capital Guidance/Madison Marquette
Washington, DC
Cargill, Inc.
Washington, DC
Casey, Scott & Canfield, PC
Washington, DC
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Washington, DC
Chandler Chicco
Washington, DC
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Arlington, VA
Charles River Associates, Inc.
Washington, DC
Chiron Corporation
Washington, DC
The College Board
Reston, VA, Washington, DC
Communication Workers of America
Washington, DC
Conlon, Frantz, Phelan & Varma, LLP
Washington, DC
Consumer Affairs Office
Washington, DC
Consumer Data Industry Association
Washington, DC
Copies Now
Washington, DC
Covington & Burling LLP
Washington, DC
Covington & Burling’s Covington KIDS Child Care and Rooftop Playground
Washington, DC
Crowell & Moring, LLP
Washington, DC
Irvine, CA
London, England
New York, NY
Dance, USA
Washington, DC
Darby Overseas Investments
Washington, DC
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Washington, DC
DC Child & Family Center
Washington, DC
DC Child Care
Washington, DC
De Martino Finkelstein Rosen & Virga
Washington, DC
Dechert LLP
Washington, DC
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Washington, DC
Department of Justice Special Investigation
Washington, DC
The District of Columbia Bar
Washington, DC
Dow Corning
Washington, DC
Duke Energy
Washington, DC
Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellot, LLC
Washington, DC
Fairchild Dornier
Herndon, VA (Headquarters)
Families USA
Washington, DC
Farm Credit Council
Washington, DC
Farmer Mac
Washington, DC
FBI, Alexandria Regional Office
Alexandria, VA
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee
Washington, DC
Federal Public Defenders
Washington, DC
Federal Reserve Board Headquarters
Washington, DC
Federal Reserve Board Warehouse
Upper Marlboro, MD
Federation of American Hospitals
Washington, DC
Feldesman, Tucker, Leifer, Fidell & Bank LLP
Washington, DC
Financial Services Roundtable
Washington, DC
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
Washington, DC
Fleishman Hillard
Washington, DC
Fluor Corporation
Washington, DC
Foley Hoag, LLP
Washington, DC
Friedlander Misler Friedlander Sloan & Herz
Washington, DC
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
Washington, DC
Gardner Carton & Douglas LLP
Washington, DC
GE Capital
Washington, DC
Global Confidential Client
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Global Confidential Client
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Global Confidential Client
Sana’a, Yemen
Global Confidential Client
Islamabad, Pakistan
Goodwill Industries
Washington, DC
Goodwin Procter LLP
Boston, MA
New York, NY
Washington, DC
Greenspun Shapiro Davis & Leary PC
Fairfax, VA
Hanley Wood, LLC
Washington, DC
Healthcare Leadership Council
Washington, DC
Hitachi, Inc.
Washington, DC
HMS Host
Rockville, MD
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
Washington, DC
Human Rights Campaign
Washington, DC
Indian Spring Country Club
Silver Spring, MD
Infinite Photo & Imaging
Alexandria, VA
Innovative Spinal Technologies
Mansfield, MA
Institute for Educational Leadership
Washington, DC
InterImage, Inc.
Arlington, VA
International Monetary Fund
Washington, DC
International Monetary Fund Child Care and Playground
Washington, DC
International Technology & Trade Association
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Intrernational Liquid Terminal Association
Washington, DC
Investment Company Institute
Washington, DC
Jackie Chalkley Fine Crafts & Wearables
Washington, DC
Chevy Chase, MD
Jackson & Campbell, P.C.
Washington, DC
Japan Airlines
Washington, DC
Jenner & Block LLP
Washington, DC, New York, NY
Just Us Kids Inc.
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Kaufman, Davis, Ruebelmann, Posner & Kurtz
Bethesda, MD
Kaye Scholer LLP
Washington, DC
Kearns & West
Washington, DC
Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
Washington, DC
Kershenbaum, Abel, Kernus & Wychulis
Bethesda, MD
Knight Ridder
Washington, DC
Knoll Group
Washington, DC
Koch Government Affairs
Washington, DC
KPMG Peat Marwick
Washington, DC
Crystal City, VA
Tysons Corner, VA
Newport, RI
Kutak Rock LLP
Bethesda, MD
Latham & Watkins LLP
Washington, DC
LeBoeuf Lamb Greene & MacRae LLP
Washington, DC
Lehrco Corporation
Washington, DC
Lend Lease
Washington, DC
LTD Management Company, LLC
Chesapeake, VA
Lufthansa Airlines
Washington, DC
Manatt Phelps & Phillips LLP
Washington, DC
Margolius Mallios Rider & Tomar LLP
Washington, DC
Mathematica Policy Research Inc
Washington, DC
Maverick Restaurant Group, LLC
McLean, VA
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
Washington, DC
McGraw-Hill Inc
Washington, DC
MCI Telecommunications
Fairfax, VA
McQuadeBrennan LLP
Washington, DC
Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Washington, DC
Mercedes Benz of North America
Bethesda, MD
Washington, DC
Mid-Atlantic Communications
Washington, DC
Miller & Chevalier
Washington, DC
Miller Cassidy Larocca & Lewin
Washington, DC
[Confidential Law Client]
Washington, DC
Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
National Alliance of Business
Washington, DC
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
Arlington, VA
National Association of Manufacturers
Washington, DC
National Capital Reciprocal Insurance Company
Washington, DC
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Alexandria, VA
National Conference Center Expansion
Lansdowne, VA
National Cooperative Business Association
Washington, DC
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
Washington, DC
National Federation of Independent Business
Washington, DC
National Multihousing Association
Washington, DC
National Osteoporosis Foundation
Washington, DC
National Partnership for Women & Families
Washington, DC
National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust
Washington, DC
National Retail Foundation
Washington, DC
National Rifle Association of America
Fairfax, VA
NIH – Building #3
Bethesda, MD
Nikaido Marmelstein Murray & Oram LLP
Washington, DC
Nixon Peabody
Washington, DC
NorAm (Formerly ARKLA)
Washington, DC
North & South Building Residences
Leesburg, VA
North American Securities Administrators Association
Washington, DC
Northrop Grumman Corporation
McLean, VA
Novak Druce + Quigg LLP
Dunkirk, MD
San Francisco, CA,
West Palm Beach, FL
Oblon, Spivak, McCelland, Maier & Neustadt, PC
Alexandria, VA
Office of the Cooperative Administration Support Program
Washington, DC
Omnisat Communications
Washington, DC
One Central Plaza
Washington, DC
Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation
Washington, DC
The Palm Restaurant
Atlanta, GA, Washington, DC
Panhandle/Texas Eastern
Washington, DC
Pennie & Edmonds LLP
Washington, DC
Peyser Associates
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Washington, DC
Points of Light Foundation
Washington, DC
Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP
Washington, DC
Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH,
Dayton, OH
Naples, FL
Potomac Capital Investment Corporation
Washington, DC
Potomac Communications Group, Inc.
Washington, DC
Powell Goldstein, LLP
Washington, DC
Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC
Washington, DC
Presidium Learning
Reston, VA
Private Condominiums
Georgetown, Washington, DC
The Ritz Carlton Residences, Washington, DC
The Ritz Carlton Residences, Miami, FL
West End, Washington, DC
Private Penthouse
Georgetown, Washington, DC
Private Residences
Bethesda, MD,
Palisades, Washington, DC,
The Plains, VA
Private Townhouses
Adams Morgan
Corcoran Street
Mount Pleasant
Quebec Street, NW
Washington, DC
Prudential Realty Management
Washington, DC
Public Knowledge
Washington, DC
QinetiQ North America Operations, LLC
McLean, VA
R.W. Corby & Company, Inc.
Washington, DC
Resident Council Consumer Affairs Office
Washington, DC
Resource Management International
Washington, DC
Reznick Group, P.C.
Bethesda, MD
Baltimore, MD
Rhone Poulenc
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Roetzel & Andress
Akron, OH
Cleveland, OH
New York, NY
Washington, DC
Rosie’s Broadway Kids
New York, NY
Ross & Hardies LLP
Washington, DC
Ross Dixon & Bell LLP
Washington, DC
Chicago, IL
Ross Marsh Foster Myers & Quiggle
Washington, DC
Runicom Russian Oil Company
Moscow, Russia
SAS Institute
Washington, DC
Saxa Investments
Washington, DC
Scitor Corporation
Arlington, VA
Chantilly, VA
Herndon, VA
SEC Childcare and Playground
Washington, DC
Sempra Energy Utilities
Washington, DC
The Scowcroft Group
Washington, DC
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Washington, DC
Simmons Cooper LLC
Washington, DC
Singapore Airlines
Washington, DC
Sixbey Friedman Leedom & Ferguson PC
McLean, VA
Sloan Auction
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Smith Bucklin Corporation
Washington, DC
The Soap and Detergent Association
Washington, DC
Southern Company
Washington, DC
Southern Pacific Railroad
Washington, DC
Staas & Hasley LLP
Washington, DC
State Bank of India
Washington, DC
The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security
Washington, DC
The Staubach Company
Washington, DC
Steptoe & Johnson PLLC
Bridgeport, WV
Stolt-Nielson Transportation Group
Norwalk, CT
Stone & Webster
Washington, DC
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLC
Washington, DC
Sullivan & Worcester LLC
Washington, DC
Sunlight Foundation
Washington, DC
Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Association
Washington, DC
Teleglobe International
Reston, VA
McLean, VA
Chantilly, VA
New York, NY
Thayer Capital Partners
Washington, DC
Thompson Coburn LLP
Washington, DC
Thompson, O’Donnell, Markham, Norton & Hannon
Washington, DC
Time Inc
Washington, DC
Tower Records
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
United Nations Foundation
Washington, DC
Universal Service Administrative Company
Washington, DC
US China Business Council
Washington, DC
US Committee for UNICEF
Washington, DC
US Court of Veterans Appeals
Washington, DC
US News & World Report
Washington, DC
US Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, DC
Value Behavioral Health
Boston, MA
Dallas, TX
Falls Church, VA
Little Rock, AR
Tampa, FL
Troy, NY
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Washington, DC
Volunteers in Oversea Assistance
Washington, DC
Vorys Sater Seymour and Pease LLP
Cincinnati, OH
Washington, DC
Walker & Dunlop
Bethesda, MD
Walsh Colucci Stackhouse Emrich & Lubeley PC
Arlington, VA
Washington Occupational Health Associates
Washington, DC
Arlington, VA
West End
Washington, DC
Whelan Barsky
Washington, DC
Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, LLP
Washington, DC
New York, NY
Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
Washington, DC
Winthrop Stimson Putnam & Roberts
Washington, DC
Xerox Document University North & South Building Residences
Leesburg, VA